General Settings

The configuration for the TO plugin is done via the Tour Operator settings menu tab via your WordPress Dashboard.

  • Navigate to the backend of your website
  • Hover over the “Tour Operator”  menu item
  • Select the ‘Settings” option from the sub-menu that appears
  • You will land on the “General” Tour Operator  settings tab with the following core settings available

General #

The General Settings section allows you to configure the core functionality of your plugin.

Currency – Select the currency type that your prices will be displayed in

General Enquiry – Select the general enquiry popup form you want to be accessible on your accommodation pages

Disable Inquire Modal – Disable the LSX contact modal and instead redirect to URL of another page

Inquire Link – Input the URL for the custom contact page (will only take effect if modal is disabled)

Inquire Contact name – Enter the name of the person you wish to be shown on the inquire modal

Inquire contact email – Enter the contact email address of the person you wish to be shown on the enquire modal

Inquire contact phone – Enter the phone number of the person you wish to be shown on the enquire modal

Inquire contact image –  Choose an image of the person you wish to be shown on the enquire modal

Display #


Basic #

Enable Connected Modals – This allows connected single items to display a preview in a popup modal format

Advanced #

Disable CSS – Disable the CSS styling inherited from the Tour Operator Plugin.

Disable Javascript – Only disable this if you are debugging a Javascript error. (developer use usually)


Here you will enter the license and API key’s for your add-on functionality. Say you have the Tour Operator Maps plugin installed. Here is where you will add your Google Maps API Key.

Accommodation #

General #

General Enquiry – Select the general enquiry popup form you want to be accessible on your accommodation pages

Disable Inquire Modal – Disable the LSX contact modal and instead redirect to URL of another page

Inquire Link – Input the URL for the custom contact page (will only take effect if modal is disabled)

Disable “Contact Details” panel – Select this check box to disable to “Contact Details” panel entirely.

Placeholders #

Archive Image – Set an image to display as a placeholder archive image. This will give all of  your accommodations a featured archive image

Archive #

Disable Archives – This disables the “post type archive” if you create your own custom loop it will still work. (not recommended for inexperienced users)

Disable Pagination – This disables the pagination of post type archive.

Disable Excerpt –  This disables the display of the excerpt from entries on post type archive.

Disable metadata –   This disables the display of the metadata from entries on post type archive.

Grid/list layout – Choose the style layout of your archive pages.

List layout images – If you select a list layout, this will allow you to adjust the sizing of the images displayed in the archive.

Title – Title the archives for your accommodations

Tagline – Give a brief description to be displayed as the accommodations archive tagline

Description – Give a brief description of your accommodation archives

Single #

Disable Singles – When disabled you will be redirected to the homepage when trying to access a single tour page.

Default section title – Enter a default section title

“Accommodation Brands” Section Title – enter a section title for the “Accommodation Brands” section displayed on each accommodation page

“Rooms” Section Title – enter a section title for the “Rooms” section displayed on each accommodation page

“Similar Accommodations” – enter a section title for the “Similar Accommodations” section displayed on each accommodation page

Display Connected Tours – Selecting this checkbox will replace related accommodations with the connected tours instead.

Destinations #

General #

General Inquiry – Select the general enquiry popup form you want to be accessible on your accommodation pages

Disable Inquire Modal – Disable the LSX contact modal and instead redirect to URL of another page

Inquire Link – Input the URL for the custom contact page (will only take effect if modal is disabled)

Disable Archives – This disables the “post type archive” if you create your own custom loop it will still work.

Placeholders #

Archive Image – Set an image to display as a placeholder archive image. This will give all of  your accommodations a featured archive image

Archive #

Display Continents instead of Countries –  This displays groups archive items by continent taxonomy and displays the continent title.

Group by Continent – This groups archive items by continent taxonomy and display the continent title

Disable Archives – This disables the “post type archive” if you create your own custom loop it will still work. (not recommended for inexperienced users)

Disable Pagination – This disables the pagination of the destination post type archive.

Disable Excerpt –  This disables the display of the excerpt from entries on the destination post type archive.

Disable metadata –   This disables the display of the metadata from entries on the destination post type archive.

Grid/list layout – Choose the style layout of your destination archive pages.

List layout images – If you select a list layout, this will allow you to adjust the sizing of the images displayed in the archive.

Title – Title the archives for your destinations.

Tagline – Give a brief description to be displayed as the destination archive tagline.

Description – Give a brief description of your destination archives.

 Single #

Disable Singles – When disabled you will be redirected to the homepage when trying to access a single tour page.

Default section title – enter a section title for the “Default” section displayed on each destination page.

“Countries” Section Title – enter a section title for the “Countries” section displayed on each destination page.

“Regions” Section Title – enter a section title for the “Regions” section displayed on each destination page.

“Travel Styles” – enter a section title for the “Travel Styles” section displayed on each destination page.

Tours #

General #

General Inquiry – Select the general enquiry popup form you want to be accessible on your accommodation pages

Disable Inquire Modal – Disable the LSX contact modal and instead redirect to URL of another page

Inquire Link – Input the URL for the custom contact page (will only take effect if modal is disabled)

Compress Itineraries – If you have many Itinerary entries on your tours, then you may want to shorten the length of the page with a “read more” button.

Expiration Status – Choose the status your tour post will take on once it expires, whether it be drafted, deleted or set to private.

Placeholders #

Archive Image – Set an image to display as a placeholder archive image. This will give all of  your accommodations a featured archive image

Archive #

Disable Archives – This disables the “post type archive” if you create your own custom loop it will still work. (not recommended for inexperienced users)

Disable Pagination – This disables the pagination of post type archive.

Disable Excerpt –  This disables the display of the excerpt from entries on post type archive.

Disable metadata –   This disables the display of the metadata from entries on post type archive.

Grid/list layout – Choose the style layout of your archive pages.

List layout images – If you select a list layout, this will allow you to adjust the sizing of the images displayed in the archive.

Title – Title the archive for your tours

Tagline – Give a brief description to be displayed as the tour archive tagline

Description – Give a brief description of your tour archives

Single #

Default section title – enter a section title for the “Default” section displayed on each tour page

“Related Tours” Section Title – enter a section title for the “Related” section displayed on each tour page

What are your feelings
Updated on 17 May 2024